Kevin McGowan CCIM, SIOR of MCREA will join 6 other SIOR brokers from major markets throughout North America on Wednesday April 8th for a unique interactive webinar which will include market overviews from experts from Dallas, Northern New Jersey, Chicago, Toronto, Mexico, and Los Angeles. The webinar will begin at 1:30pm Eastern on Wednesday April 8, 2015. For Registration, please click here.
SIOR IBG Webinar Series Presents:
North American Industrial Market Overview Brought to you by the SIOR Center for Career Advancement and the SIOR Independent Brokerage Group (IBG)Presented by:

Jason Crimmins, SIOR, CCIM,
Blau & Berg Co., Short Hills, NJ

Matt D’Orsay, SIOR
Indusite Realty Corp., Mississauga, ON

Kevin McGowan, SIOR, CCIM
McGowan Corporate Real Estate Advisors, Allentown, PA

Damian Rivera, SIOR
E Smith Realty Partners, Dallas, TX

Daniel Smolensky, SIOR
The Modal Group, Chicago, IL

Felix Tejada, SIOR
Alles Group of Monterrey, Garza Garcia, MX

Robert Thornburgh, SIOR, CCIM, CPM
Heger Industrial, Los Angeles, CA
Join the presenters for an overview of the New Jersey/New York City, Toronto, Eastern Pennsylvania, Dallas, Chicago, Mexico and Los Angeles industrial markets. This will be an interactive session with time for questions and discussion.